Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Gordon Brown

Blunder mistake
Labours campegin is again hammard !!!
There is another episode when he called an aged woman a bigot in his private conversation which  was caught by media. Ms Duffy was asking questions about immigration, pension , education, deficits  and  other issues. The irony is that his answers had convinced Ms Gillian Duffy and was happy to vote still for Labour until the tape was played. But he has lost the vote now after the tape was publicly played on television over and over again. She would have gone off as a happy customer and now many people in community who are concerned about present situation one never
Media is being bitchy!!Quite ruthless on Mr Brown's peronality. It is a terrible and a very unfortunate situation revealing Mr Browns image as a bully.Especially just a week before the election day. It was a very .
It is easy to be caught in this situation during elections when the media is following them everywhere and any slackening would be put them in hell. Gordon Brown seems to be pushing himself in these situations very often.
Mr Brown did aologised and said
"I apologise if I've said anything that has been hurtful and I will apologise to her personally"
"I was dealing with a question that she raised about immigration and I wasn't given a chance to answer it.
The excuse he gave was pathetic.
He later visited Gillian Duffy to apologise in person.

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